Aaron, Jason |
Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 2: World Tour |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Aaron, Jason |
Ghost Rider: The War For Heaven Book 1 |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Abadia, Ximo |
The Farmer |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Abbott, Tony |
The Great Jeff |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Abela, Deborah |
The Most Marvelous International Spelling Bee |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2019 |
Abramowitz, Adam |
A Town Called Malice |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Abramson, Traci Hunter |
Sanctuary (e) |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-01-2019 |
Ackerman, Sara |
The Lieutenant's Nurse |
Historical / H |
Mar-05-2019 |
Adams, Michelle |
Between the Lies |
Thriller / T |
Mar-05-2019 |
Agell, Charlotte |
Maybe Tomorrow? |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Ahmed, Saladin |
Exiles Vol. 2: The Trial of the Exiles |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Ahmed, Samira |
Internment |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Aki |
The Nature Girls |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Alberts, Elana |
The Sandman's Sand Isn't Working! (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2019 |
Alexander, Johnnie |
Journey of the Heart |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-2019 |
Alvarez, Jennifer Lynn |
Through the Untamed Sky |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-26-2019 |
Anderson, Laura Ellen |
Evil Emperor Penguin (Almost) Takes Over the World |
Graphic Novel / GN |
Mar-07-2019 |
Anderson, Laura Ellen |
Amelia Fang and the Half Moon Holiday // Rainbow Rangers |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-07-2019 |
Anderson, Laurie Halse |
SHOUT (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Andreasen, Michael |
The Sea Beast Takes a Lover |
Literary / L |
Mar-05-2019 |
Andros, Camille |
Charlotte the Scientist Finds a Cure |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Angleberger, Tom |
Bach to the Rescue!!! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Angleberger, Tom |
Recipe for Disaster |
Mystery / M |
Mar-19-2019 |
Angleberger, Tom |
Beware the Power of the Dark Side! |
Space Opera / SO |
Mar-19-2019 |
Ansari, Rebecca K.S. |
The Missing Piece of Charlie O'Reilly |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2019 |
Appelt, Kathi |
Angel Thieves |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Applebaum, Kirsty |
The Middler |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-28-2019 |
Arhoj, Anders |
Catch Me |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Arnold, Elana K. |
Bat and the End of Everything |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Asagiri, Kafka |
Bungo Stray Dogs, Vol. 10 |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-19-2019 |
Asato, Asato |
86--EIGHTY SIX, Vol. 1 |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-26-2019 |
Ashford, Jane |
A Lord Apart |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-26-2019 |
Atinuke |
B is for Baby |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Atwood, Margaret |
The Handmaid's Tale: The Graphic Novel (e) |
Graphic Novel / GN |
Mar-26-2019 |
Atwood, Megan |
A Spring to Remember |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Auerbach, Adam |
The Three Vikings |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Balasubramanyam, Rajeev |
Professor Chandra Follows His Bliss |
Literary / L |
Mar-26-2019 |
Ballingrud, Nathan |
The Atlas of Hell |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Banks, Kate |
Noah Builds an Ark |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Bannister, Andrew |
Creation Machine |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Barnes, Sophie |
The Infamous Duchess |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-26-2019 |
Barnett, Mac |
Circle |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Barrett, Hayley |
Babymoon |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-14-2019 |
Bartz, Andrea |
The Lost Night |
Thriller / T |
Mar-05-2019 |
Bauermeister, Alex |
Hands to Heart |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Bayard, Tania |
In the Shadow of the Enemy |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Mar-05-2019 |
Becker, Aaron |
You Are Light |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Bellos, Alex |
Where Soccer Explains (Rules) the World |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Beltz, Temre |
The Tragical Tale of Birdie Bloom |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-26-2019 |
Benge, Rachel |
Let's Watch the Trucks! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2019 |
Benge, Rachel |
Let's Feed the Ducks! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2019 |
Benton, Jim |
It's Me. |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Benz, Chanelle |
West of the Known (e) |
Literary / L |
Mar-19-2019 |
Berenstain, Stan; Berenstain, Jan |
The Berenstain Bears Get the Job Done |
ICR1 |
Christian / CH |
Mar-05-2019 |
Berrios, Frank |
Unhappy Birthday, Grumpy Cat! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Berrow, G.M. |
Twilight Sparkle's Spell |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Berrow, G.M. |
Pinkie Pie's Party |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Berry, Julie |
Lovely War |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2019 |
Berry, Steve |
The Malta Exchange |
Thriller / T |
Mar-05-2019 |
Bezmozgis, David |
Immigrant City (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Biggs, Brian |
At the Firehouse |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Billet, Marion |
I Love Classical Music |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Biren, Sara |
Cold Day in the Sun |
Romance / R |
Mar-12-2019 |
Bischof, Joanne |
Daughters of Northern Shores |
Christian / CH |
Mar-12-2019 |
Bishop, Anne |
Wild Country |
Dark Fantasy / DF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Bittner, Rosanne |
Logan's Lady |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-26-2019 |
Blackadder, Jesse |
In the Blink of an Eye |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Blaedel, Sara |
Her Father's Secret |
Thriller / T |
Mar-05-2019 |
Blake, Ashley Herring |
The Mighty Heart of Sunny St. James |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Blake, Chloe |
A Taste of Passion & Ambitious Seduction |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2019 |
Bliss, Lauralee |
The Way of a Child |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-2019 |
Bobowicz, Pamela |
Captain Marvel: What Makes a Hero |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Bolts, Russ |
The Good, the Bad, and the Cowbots |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Bolts, Russ |
The Most Annoying Robots in the Universe |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Booth, Claire |
A Deadly Turn |
Police Procedural / PP |
Mar-01-2019 |
Bostwick, Marie |
Hope on the Inside |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Boucher, Anthony |
The Seven of Calvary (e) |
Mystery / M |
Mar-26-2019 |
Boucher, Anthony |
Far and Away (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Boucher, Anthony |
The Compleat Werewolf (e) |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Bourdeaut, Olivier |
Waiting for Bojangles |
Literary / L |
Mar-19-2019 |
Bow, Erin |
Stand on the Sky |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Box, C.J. |
Wolf Pack |
Law Enforcement / PD |
Mar-12-2019 |
Bradman, Tony |
Winter of the Wolves (e) |
Historical / H |
Mar-07-2019 |
Brewington, George |
The Monster Catchers |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2019 |
Brezenoff, Steve |
The Case of the New Professor |
Mystery / M |
Mar-01-2019 |
Brezenoff, Steve |
The Case of the Empty Crates |
Mystery / M |
Mar-01-2019 |
Brightwell, Emily |
Mrs. Jeffries Delivers the Goods |
Historical Mystery / HM |
Mar-12-2019 |
Broach, Elise |
Bedtime for Little Bulldozer |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Brody, Jessica |
Sky Without Stars |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Brown, Monica; Almeda, Christine |
Sarai and the Around the World Fair (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Brown, Monica; Almeda, Christine |
Sarai Around the World |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Brown, Savannah |
The Truth About Keeping Secrets |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-07-2019 |
Bryant, Anabelle |
London's Best Kept Secret |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-26-2019 |
Bryant, Megan E. |
Save the Day! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Buckley, Carla |
The Liar's Child |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Burgess, Matthew |
The Unbudgeable Curmudgeon |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Burns, Catherine |
The Moth Presents Occasional Magic |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Burton, Jeffrey |
Twinkle, Twinkle, Unicorn |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2019 |
Butler, Halle |
The New Me |
Literary / L |
Mar-05-2019 |
Butler, Nickolas |
Little Faith |
Literary / L |
Mar-05-2019 |
Cahoon, Lynn |
One Potato, Two Potato, Dead |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Mar-19-2019 |
Cajoleas, Jimmy |
The Rambling |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-26-2019 |
Calonita, Jen |
Wished |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2019 |
Campbell, Rick |
Treason |
Thriller / T |
Mar-19-2019 |
Candlewick Press |
Peppa Pig and the Family Reunion |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Canno |
Kiss and White Lily for My Dearest Girl, Vol. 8 (e) |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-19-2019 |
Cantor, Jillian |
In Another Time |
Historical / H |
Mar-05-2019 |
Carbone, Elisa |
Poison in the Colony: James Town 1622 |
Historical / H |
Mar-26-2019 |
Caringer, David |
Decision at Fletcher's Mill |
Christian / CH |
Mar-12-2019 |
Carr, Jonathan |
Make Me a City |
Historical / H |
Mar-19-2019 |
Carter, Caela |
One Speck of Truth |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Carty-Williams, Candice |
Queenie |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Cassidy, Carla |
Cowboy Defender |
SIM-2032 |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-05-2019 |
Cavallaro, Brittany |
A Question of Holmes |
Mystery / M |
Mar-05-2019 |
Cecil, Ramona |
Digging for Love |
Historical Romance / HR |
Mar-01-2019 |
Cestari, Crystal |
The Fairest Kind of Love |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2019 |
Chainani, Soman |
A Crystal of Time |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2019 |
Charlton-Trujillo, E.E. |
Rebel Girl Revolution |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Chase, Ashlyn |
A Phoenix is Forever |
Paranormal Romance / PNR |
Mar-26-2019 |
Chase, Kit |
Little Sweet Pea, God Loves You |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Chast, Roz |
Green Lantern: Kyle Rayner, Volume 3 |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Childs, Laura |
Broken Bone China |
Cozy Mystery / CZ |
Mar-05-2019 |
Chima, Cinda Williams |
Deathcaster |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2019 |
Chronicle Books |
Read & Ride |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Chronicle Books |
Baby Orca |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Chronicle Books |
Baby Piglet |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Chupeco, Rin |
The Shadowglass |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2019 |
Cicatelli-Kuc, Katie |
Quarantine |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Claremont, Chris |
Death of Wolverine Companion |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Claremont, Chris |
X-Men: Black |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Claremont, Chris |
Iron Fist: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu - The Complete Collection |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Clayton, Dhonielle |
The Everlasting Rose |
Dark Fantasy / DF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Coates, Ta-Nehisi |
Captain America by Ta-Nehisi Coates Vol. 1: Winter in America |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Coben, Harlan |
Run Away |
Thriller / T |
Mar-19-2019 |
Coe, David B. |
The Infinite Deep |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Colandro, Lucille |
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Birthday Cake |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Cole, Alyssa |
Can't Escape Love |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-19-2019 |
Colgan, Jenny |
My Very '90s Romance |
Women's Fiction / WF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Collins, Allison B. |
The Montana Cowboy's Triplets |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2019 |
Collins, Max Allan; Spillane, Mickey |
Murder, My Love |
Private Investigator / PI |
Mar-19-2019 |
Condie, Ally |
The Last Voyage of Poe Blythe |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Connelly, Neil |
Brawler |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Cook, Eileen |
One Lie Too Many |
Mystery / M |
Mar-05-2019 |
Cook, Eileen |
You Owe Me a Murder |
Mystery / M |
Mar-05-2019 |
Corman, Avery |
Bark in the Park! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Coulter, Catherine; Ellison, J.T. |
The Last Second |
Thriller / T |
Mar-26-2019 |
Cousins, Lucy |
Little Fish and Mommy |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Cousteau, Fabien |
Great White Shark Adventure (e) |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Coville, Katherine |
Ivy and the Goblins |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-12-2019 |
Criaco, Gioacchino |
Black Souls |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Currey, Mason |
Daily Rituals, Women at Work |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Dahl, Michael |
Ooze Control |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2019 |
Dahl, Michael |
Night Shift |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2019 |
Dahl, Michael |
Shocks! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2019 |
Dahl, Michael |
Auto Body Parts |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2019 |
Dailey, Janet |
Letters from Peaceful Lane |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-26-2019 |
Daugherty, Christi |
A Beautiful Corpse |
Mystery / M |
Mar-12-2019 |
Davies, David Stuart |
The Instrument of Death |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Davis, Alexandra |
Lumber Jills |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-01-2019 |
Day, Kate Hope |
If, Then |
Literary / L |
Mar-12-2019 |
Day, Zuri |
Sin City Vows |
SD-2651 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2019 |
Daywalt, Drew |
This Is MY Fort! |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-26-2019 |
Daywalt, Drew |
What Is Inside THIS Box? |
General Fiction / GF |
Feb-26-2019 |
De La Pena, Matt |
Superman: Dawnbreaker |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Deaver, Jeffery |
Captivated (e) |
Thriller / T |
Mar-05-2019 |
Denton, Lauren K. |
Glory Road |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Disney Book Group |
As Long As We're Together |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Disney Book Group |
Wish Upon A Star |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Dixon, Alesha |
Secret Supervillain |
Mystery / M |
Mar-07-2019 |
Dockrill, Laura |
Angry Cookie |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Doctorow, Cory |
Radicalized |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Doerrfeld, Cori |
Wild Baby |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Doore, K.A. |
The Perfect Assassin |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-19-2019 |
Dorricott, Fran |
After the Eclipse |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Downing, Samantha |
My Lovely Wife |
Thriller / T |
Mar-26-2019 |
Doyle, Bill |
Escape This Book! Titanic |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Drummond, Ree |
The Pioneer Woman Walmart Exclusive Edition |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-13-2019 |
Duckett, Katharine |
Miranda in Milan |
Dark Fantasy / DF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Duggan, Gerry |
Spider-Geddon: Covert Ops |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Dunbar, Joyce |
Grumpy Duck |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Dunlap, Shannon |
Izzy + Tristan |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-12-2019 |
Dunrea, Olivier |
Ruby & Rufus |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Durst, Sarah Beth |
The Deepest Blue |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-19-2019 |
Dyckman, Ame |
Touchy the Octopus Touches Everything |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Eaton, J.C. |
Pinot Red or Dead? |
Amateur Sleuth / AS |
Mar-26-2019 |
Edwards, Paige |
Catherine's Intrigue (e) |
Romantic Suspense / RS |
Mar-01-2019 |
Edwards, Patrick |
Ruin's Wake |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-12-2019 |
Eggers, Dave |
The Parade |
Literary / L |
Mar-19-2019 |
Eliopulos, Nick |
Into the Game! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Eliopulos, Nick |
Night of the Bats! |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Elliott, David |
Voices |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-26-2019 |
Emerson, Marcus |
Ben Braver and the Incredible Exploding Kid |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-05-2019 |
Endou, Asari |
Magical Girl Raising Project, Vol. 6 (light novel): Limited II |
Dark Fantasy / DF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Endou, Asari |
Magical Girl Raising Project, Vol. 6 (e) |
Dark Fantasy / DF |
Mar-19-2019 |
England, Caroline |
Betray Her |
Thriller / T |
Mar-14-2019 |
Englander, Nathan |
Kaddish.com |
Literary / L |
Mar-26-2019 |
Ennis, Garth |
Marvel Knights Punisher by Garth Ennis: The Complete Collection Vol. 2 |
General Fiction / GF |
Mar-19-2019 |
Erlick, Lance |
Emergent |
Science Fiction / SF |
Mar-05-2019 |
Evans, Katy |
Boss |
SD-2648 |
Contemporary Romance / CR |
Mar-05-2019 |
Eves, Rosalyn |
Winter War Awakening |
Fantasy / F |
Mar-19-2019 |